PHP Basics

Typed Datastructures

The datastructures in this package are derived from their respective Standard PHP Library (SPL) counterparts which they extend by the option to control the data types of items those datastructures can hold.

To restrict allowed data types for items, provide the constructor with an array of atomic types or fully qualified class names you want to allow as item types. Available atomic types are array, bool, callable, countable, float / double, int / integer / long, iterable, null, numeric, object, resource, scalar and string.

Trying to add an item with a data type not on the list of allowed types to a strict datastructure will result in an InvalidDataTypeException .

All strict datastructures inherit the implementation of the \ArrayAccess, \Countable and \Serializable interfaces. All but StrictCollection also implement a \Traversable interface.


// create a collection of strings
$stringCollection = new StrictCollection(['string']);
// create a queue of PSR-15 middlewares
$middlewareQueue = new StrictQueue(['Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface']);


A type-sensitive, unsorted collection of items.

Holds items as key/value pairs where keys identify the items and have to be valid array keys while values can be of any controlled type. The collection can be accessed like an array, but not traversed because it has no particular order.

Internally it holds the items in the $_data array, the same as most Interface Traits and Traits of this package.


A type-sensitive, traversable array of items.

Holds items as key/value pairs where keys identify the items and have to be valid array keys while values can be of any controlled type. The array can be accessed and traversed just like any other array.

Internally it holds the items in the $_data array, the same as most Interface Traits and Traits of this package.


A type-sensitive, taversable list of items.

Extends \SplDoublyLinkedList with an option to restrict the allowed data types for list items. The list can be accessed and traversed like an array, but has only consecutive numerical keys.


A type-sensitive, taversable queue (FIFO) of items.

Extends \SplQueue with an option to restrict the allowed data types for queue items. The queue can be accessed and traversed like an array, but has only consecutive numerical keys. Traversal follows the first-in, first-out (FIFO) principle meaning that items are returned in the same order they were added to the queue.

It is recommended to use the StrictQueue::enqueue() and StrictQueue::dequeue() alias methods when working with a queue, because those will ensure proper FIFO behavior and remove items while traversing.


A type-sensitive, taversable stack (LIFO) of items.

Extends \SplStack with an option to restrict the allowed data types for stack items. The stack can be accessed and traversed like an array, but has only consecutive numerical keys. Traversal follows the last-in, first-out (LIFO) principle meaning that items are returned in the reversed order they were added to the stack.

It is recommended to use the StrictStack::stack() and StrictStack::unstack() alias methods when working with a stack, because those will ensure proper LIFO behavior and remove items while traversing.

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